
unity3d超写实自然场景真实丛林 游戏美术场景文件

unity3d工程 《地城之光》手游源码
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unity3d实战网游开发视频教程 变身吧公主
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设计素材 unity5.4.01版 后续版本免
3dmax模型 恐龙合集包 3d模型素材



Requires Unity 5.1.2 or higher.
Designed to quickly and easily create high-quality vegetation. Includes various models of trees, pine trees, flowers and stones. 

This pack includes:
- 32 trees and bushes 
- 9 rocks and stones 
- 39 types of grasses and flowers 
- 8 ground textures (4 diffuse, 4 normal) 
- 2 demo scenes include 
- Range of Tris (Min and Max) – 2-13400 tris 
- Texture Sizes from 128x128 (grass) to 4096x4096 (trees) 
- All trees have a LOD 


